Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Tesla Investment is registered in the United States as “Tesla Investment LTD”.
Tesla Investment is a company formed by a team of professional traders with expertise in one of the biggest financial markets of today, the cryptocurrency/binary. Our focus is to provide our affiliates with daily and constant profits in these markets.
To register a new account, simply click on the “Sign Up” link and fill out the required information.
The minimum deposit amount is $300, the maximum you can deposit at one time is $25,000 Per each deposit, Surely you can make deposit higher than $500,000 by several deposits.
The minimum amount for withdrawal is $$3000. There is no maximum limit for withdrawal.
Your deposit is automatically added after 3 network confirmations for cryptocurrencies/binary.
You can request a withdrawal by clicking the “Withdraw” button in the member's area and entering the amount you want to withdraw.
Contact Support.
Your withdrawal is sent Instantly after it is requested
No, your principal deposit stays in your account and continues earning interest forever.
For security reasons, we do not allow users to change their e-mail after registration. If you would like to change your e-mail, please contact our support and we will change it for you.
No, you do not need to make a deposit to take part in our referral program.
Yes, you can register multiple accounts from the same computer or IP address, but they cannot be your referral.
You can contact our support through clicking the “Contact Us” link. We offer support through Contact Form, and E-mail.
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Become a member of our company to start growing your funds every day!